Monday 23 January
I wasn’t expecting anyone to turn up to the shed today and I had a time consuming trip to the Denmark Shire’s office to do. I dropped in to Dan at Denmark Mobile Welding on my way in to see if he could fit the stone guards to the trailer today, which he couldn’t so I went straight to the shire office. The purpose of my visit was to transfer the trailer licenses into the Denmark Riverside Club’s name as part of our amalgamation which should be complete this week.
When I finally got back to the shed at 11.30am, Veronica and Paul W were working away. Paul had been cleaning up and getting things ready for taking away. Veronica was cleaning up the last two oars, ready for Nullaki’s launch on Thursday, under the patient observation of Barney. It was hot in the shed and Kay brought me down a glass of ice cooled water from the house. We’ll miss their hospitality!

No news from the signwriters today. Hopefully tomorrow.
Cheers Dave