Saturday 14 January 2023
It needed doing in a quiet moment, honest! I snuck in on Saturday lunchtime to paint the two lower planks with deck paint. I had bought the only blue available at the time in Albany which was the Norglass slip resistant deck paint in Horizon Blue. A more vivid blue than the Misty Grey which is in St John. The result is quite bright but makes a good change from St John so you’ll know which boat you are in.

We had a good row on Sunday and learnt how to turn the boat at speed at the end of a course which is going to be necessary for the Augusta Regatta crews. JD was on hand to make a couple of modifications to the launching trolley. We cut away the uprights that we have decided we can do without and put a couple of drain holes in the box girder which is the main frame of the trolley so it isn’t so buoyant.

Cheers Dave