Tuesday 6 December
I started off on my own again this morning figuring out how to make a template for the cox’x seat extension. The most obvious solution was already at hand in the form of the seat we had already made. The template in 3mm MDF only needed to extrapolate its dimensions forward to the cross member I had glued in yesterday. By the way here’s a photo of the clamp set up.

Peter K joined me and was almost as suddenly called away by an electrician at his house. He later came back when JD had arrived and we all three got into a discussion about the rowlocks and how to set the pins vertically in the gunwale and what sort of arrangement we will eventually want for wooden oars. This lasted until teabreak and took off again.

After morning tea where we polished off the last of the fruit mince pies, I went back to cutting plywood from my template. Luckily Peter was on hand to spot that I had reversed the template for my first cut. There was enough plywood to allow for a second chance.

That’s it for now, no more building and painting until after Christmas as there is just too much going on. Hopefully there will be rowing to keep us entertained.
We are entering the St John skiff in the Denmark Christmas Pageant on Friday evening near the CRC. Come along and come back to the shed for a Christmas drink after the show which starts at 5.30pm.
Have a great Christmas if I don’t see you beforehand.
Cheers Dave