Denmark Rowers aims to involve the greater Denmark Community in fund-raising, building and rowing St Ayles Skiffs.

Fund raising in the community will involve holding events like the Denmark Classic Boat Show, social events, raffles and sausage sizzles. All of these provide scope for members to interact with the community which builds confidence and goodwill in both the community and within the group.
The initial building project is bringing together a diverse group of volunteers to build two St Ayles Skiffs over a period of approximately nine months. Those involved will learn new skills in woodworking and boatbuilding from a small core of experienced boat builders. They will benefit from the sense of purpose and connection and community building.

When the rowing skiffs are launched they will establish a healthy recreational activity suitable to people of all ages, genders and abilities. It will improve the health of the community by encouraging people to engage in an enjoyable form of exercise that takes advantage of Denmark’s natural environmental assets.

Many coastal communities around Australia and the world have discovered the social and health benefits of coastal rowing. The Denmark Community Rowing Association is following a well trodden path to improving community health and happiness.