Thursday 4 August

The weather has continued to be cold, windy and wet and although I have shrugged off my cold (not Covid according to the PCR result) others including Paul, Adrian and JP have not been so lucky. So when I got to the shed after picking up a cake and milk I was surprised to see JP, but he was only there for a look. John I and Veronica turned up and we got stuck into sanding the inside of boat 1 to warm us up. John kept the dust level down with occasional vacuuming.

Veronica working on the gunwales
Barney checking out the clamps.
John I on the vacuum
Getting through the sand paper

Dr John dropped in for tea and cake with Archie. They both stirred up Barney and were asked to settle down by Veronica. The temptation to plane a scarf was too much for Dr John and he got stuck into it. He found the cutting through a piece of timber was easier with an electric plane than with the pull saw. He also found out that the pull saw is pretty sharp and spilled blood into the scarf.

Blood sweat and tears going into our skiffs.
Dr John finishing off another perfect scarf with a plane.

By midday we had had enough of the strenuous sanding and bending into the boat. Veronica went off to start her shift on the ambulance roster. Both Johns headed home and I moved on to working out how to cut the cross frames so that they fit alongside the frames at just the right height to support the thwart. This started with clamping a marked up piece of wood to the frame with the height taken off the plans of the top of the cross bar. Then added a temporary cross bar and levelled it to the boat which was surprisingly level. I was then able to mark off where the top of the cross frame would meet the planks. Then the fun began! Working out the multiple angles for the end of the frame to meet the planks.

Complicated angles.
Fingers crossed and repeat at the other end.
Phew! Still a bit of work to do to overlap the cross frame with the boat frame.

The shed door had remained closed all day to keep the weather out. Inside we stayed warm with exercise, hot tea and camaraderie. We were immersed in our work and the time shot past. I left at 2.30 happy with what we had achieved.

Have a great weekend and stay well.

Cheers Dave