Tuesday 16 November
Sally Ward, our Scottish celebrity from the boat launch who brought the Scotch to toast the new boat, was at the shed before me this morning. We were joined by Lesley and set about giving yesterday’s paint a light sand.

That was finished fairly quickly and we went straight into painting the second coat of opal white.
Clem arrived with a box of rowlocks that he had been given in Perth and although they had all sorts of extras attached to them the basic pin and gate will work well on boat 2.

Stuart and Jenny from St John Ambulance turned up for a look and Jenny took away a membership form as she was keen to give rowing a go. Stuart made the tea and we had a quick break from painting. Likewise, Dr John turned up with a friend, Jenni, who also was interested in joining in for the fun of community rowing.
At the end of the morning the boat was gleaming in its new gloss coat as were the rudder and footrests.

Rowing tomorrow with two shifts under Sally’s guidance.
Cheers Dave