Thursday 27 October
The main event of the day was to get the inside of boat 2 coated with resin and there were a couple of things we had to do first. I got a head start trimming the little thwart support blocks down with the multitool sander so that the thwarts sat squarely on their beams. Lesley arrived bring a fresh batch of muffins for morning tea. She got set up to resin coat the footrests for boat 2.
John I gave the rudder a final sand and then a final coat of resin.
Paul W went on with sanding the gunwale and I cleaned up glue lumps under the bow breasthook.
Adrian did the tricky job of drilling the holes for the wooden pegs that will hold the thwarts tightly on the beams.
And all of this was achieved in the morning with the help of our latest member, Rovie, who had interviewed me at Denmark FM on Monday.
Then it was into painting the hull with all hands on deck.
Tomorrow I’ll be glueing on the rowlock blocks and varnishing them over the weekend.
Cheers Dave