Friday 30 September
A quick update today. It was only Veronica and myself working in the shed today. Veronica sanded the newly scarfed inner gunwale battens cleaning up the glue and removing the saw blade burns.

I used the quiet time to work out where to place the inner gunwale blocks so that there was a block at each frame and a relatively similar gap between each block taking into account the rowlock support sections too. I also did somme more sanding on the inside of boat 2.
JP came in and got on with a Sally Anne project of his own, making thick plywood support pads for the trolley jack when lifting his Couta boat Sally Anne to get the trailer under it.
Veronica had brought a date loaf which we enjoyed at morning tea.
I then made a start on the filleting the lands on boat 2. I found that a relatively (to last time) liquid mix of 4 + 2 resin with two level scoops of the filler powder was the right consistency for a smooth fillet. I did the bow and stern sections which take the most filler.

Boat turnover tomorrow at 10am. Come and have a look.
Cheers Dave