Tuesday 13 September
JP and I went back into the shed late yesterday afternoon to do the primer coat of varnish on boat 1 gunwales. We used foam brushes for this very runny coat which worked well until they failed and broke up. The progress was good and we got it done by 6 when it was getting dark in the shed mainly because of an approaching thunderstorm. We are using AwlGrip Awlwood varnish which says on the tin should be applied by professionals. Well we felt fairly professional in our masks.

The pair of us were back at 7am this morning to stay within the drying time window for overcoating the primer with gloss varnish and we got into it again as if we had never left. A lot of Oooing and Aaaring was going on as the sheoak began to shine with its golden flecks of colour and the oregon darkened and the grains stood out.

We were finished by 8am and so went down to Ravens for a coffee to celebrate. When we got back Adrian was just getting out of his car with his dog, Yogi. He was shortly followed by Nick and then Dr John and Archie. Both dogs were very well behaved today and had to stay inside the shed as we had the doors shut to stop the wind stirring up the dust. Adrian and Nick started by planing the ends of the first gunwale batten to give them a taper at each end from 45mm to 35mm. Dr John and I and Nick dry fitted and cut the 5mm laminate strips to be glued along the top edge of the top plank. When everything was ready for glueing we stopped and had a cup of tea and a fruit scone kindly provided by Kay which were delicious.

JP started the second coat of varnishing while Dr John glued the scarf joints in the gunwale battens and Adrian and Nick put a bead of glue along the top of the top plank prior to sticking the laminate on top held with masking tape for clamps.

I joined JP in varnishing the gunwales and we were all done shortly after midday.

The weather looks pretty blustery tomorrow so I don’t think we will be varnishing again. Thursday looks slightly better.
Cheers Dave