Tuesday 2 August
Adrian was the stalwart who fronted up today. The weather was atrocious and I was glad to be working from home. Adrian continued to sand the underside of the gunwales in boat 1 and when that was done he sanded the topsides post glueing on the outer gunwale. They really look the part now. Imagine how good they will be when we varnish them.

Adrian tells me that he then moved on to planing scarfs in the keel timbers for a change of pace. A good way to keep warm and fit.

At home waiting for my PCR test results, I had another look at various footrest or “stretcher” designs. I found one that requires no extra fittings in the bottom of the boat and can be moved from one side, or seat, to another.

I then spent the morning drawing this set up so that we can build it for our skiffs.

I’m hoping there will be more of us in the shed on Thursday to enjoy a yarn with Harry and a piece of cake.
Cheers Dave