Thursday 30th June

I followed Peter Kovesi into the shed today and JP was there waiting for us. Peter is visiting to look after our dogs this weekend and give a presentation on his adventurous sail down the WA coast to Cape Naturaliste at the Denmark Rowers AGM on Monday evening (7pm at the Riverside Club). He will also be doing some paragliding if the wind is right or kayaking if it isn’t. We were joined by Dr John and John I making three Johns in the shed. Comments were made about our age demographic and the propensity of Johns Peters, Pauls and Davids.

Peter K, Webmaster and always a positive influencer

John I got back into shaping the rudder. it takes a while to get a shape that is symmetrical on both sides of the rudder blade but John is going well with it.

Shaping up nicely.

Is was great to see Paul W come in to the shed as his skill in shaping the bevels at the plank lands was desperately needed to land plank 4. Plank 4 fitted well and we marked up the overlaps and Paul shaved off the bevel with a plane. I had to leave before 11am and I was hoping that we could have glued plank 4 on later this morning but the consensus was that it should wait for my return on Monday.

Paul marking the bevel line for planing

Dr John meanwhile was still suffering from a bad back and keen to plane the scarf joint on the final planks on the bench where he wouldn’t have to bend too far to work. The slight W shape of plank 6 had him mystified when it came to which way up he should be planing the scarf but JP was able to help him out.

I mixed up some glue and because I din’t use a measuring spoon I added way to much filler powder under the critical eye of Peter K. I then started the process of glueing on the gunwale blocks on the port side of boat before handing over to JP. I have an admission here, JP and I had snuck into the shed yesterday morning to glue on the starboard side blocks. My reasoning was that we needed to free up some of the clamps for work on boat 2.

JP glueing on the gunwale blocks to boat 1

I left the shed after ducking back in to take the above photos. JP texted me later to let me know all had gone well with the jobs that were in progress and that the shed hadn’t been fallen down because I wasn’t there. Plank 4 is ready for glueing on Monday.

Have a good weekend and hope to see some of you at the AGM on Monday.

Cheers Dave