Saturday 23 April

Around 20 people turned up for the Whiskey Plank Ceremony on Saturday morning. The kettle was on for cups of tea, biscuits and cake were on display but the real draw card seemed to be the single malt whisky kindly donated by Nick Shaw. It was a good opportunity to gather for a chat rather than just get into the work and it was nice to see a few interested partners there. Pete Wilson was very complimentary on the build so far and Veronica commented that our glue clean up techniques are improving with each plank, which means less sanding of the lumps and bumps of hard epoxy.

Just before 11am we ceremoniously took the clamps off the last planks to reveal the full shape of the skiff. I was seen doing some sort of chicken dance removing the screws from the stems. I then said a few words, thanking the sponsors and all those who have supported the project by becoming members and helping with the community build. Then I tipped a wee dram of whisky on the whisky plank and I wished the skiff well and safe voyages for its many crews to come.

Chicken dance part of the ceremony?
Good time to get to know each other and admire the skiff and have a wee dram.
Many thanks to Harry and Kay for their wonderful sense of community and their beautiful old shed.

More photos to come.

Thanks to our sponsors for getting us to this point.